Years of Experince
We solve your staffing needs by finding the best candidates. Our experienced team works closely with each employer throughout the end-to-end recruitment process to provide quality nursing and healthcare personnel whenever needed.
Hiring permanent healthcare personnel will deliver a more consistent quality of care for patients while reducing overall recruitment spend.
We works closely with each employer throughout the end-to-end recruitment process to provide quality nursing and healthcare personnel from India.
We care individually You will be assigned a consultant at Beejees to support you through every stage of the recruitment process.
We do not charge any service fees to candidates, we belief that we should invest in people to help them become a qualified nurse that Germany looking for.
Recruitment is a very personal thing, We care about you and we are committed to the success and development of our candidates and employers.
Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmen "Beejees Nursing Care" ist seit Beginn sehr professionell, sehr seriös und partnerschaftlich Von der Rekrutierungsphase bis zur Einreise laufen die Prozesse bisher reibungslos.
Ich zitiere nachfolgend unseren Pflegedienstleiter, Marcel Schäfer B.a., als Prozessbeauftragten in unseren Unternehmen:
"Wir erleben eine sehr verbindliche, den Bedarfen entsprechende und sehr durchdachte Rekrutierung von Pflegefachkräften." Im gesamten Rekrutierungsprozess werden wir professionell bei allen formellen und organisatorischen Fragestellungen beraten und unterstützt."
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
we are the team of beejees.communication gmbh, which together with our Indian friends committed to the placement of certified nurses from India with German language skills for nursing institutions in Germany. Our team has contacts with Christian church in India and several hundred applicants who are preparing to work in Germany in these shortage professions. The pastor Johny Joseph from Oedheim (Baden-Württemberg), who is associated with us, has successfully placed several hundred nurses in Germany in the past. All of the nurses placed are usually firmly integrated in Germany and have proven that they can master the work requirements with the appropriate professional skills and a good knowledge of German. We only place nurses who have an appropriate residence permit/visa for Germany and have received an official invitation from the regional councils of the federal states. If you are interested, please contact us so that we can provide you with further information
With kind regards
Beejees Nursing Care Team
Years of Experince
Successfully Placed Nurses
Hospitals and Nursing Homes
We are a team of people with a mission to solve Germany’s healthcare staffing crisis. We help to hire highly qualified nurses from India.
Yes, it is legal to hire healthcare workers from any country that is not listed under WHO Health Workforce Support and Safeguards . India has been excluded from the List from 2020.
Because India is a recruiting hub. For some years, health care institutions in different countries like Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Ireland, and the United Kingdom etc, have discovered India as a new source country for recruiting well-trained nurses. Especially India’s one of the smallest state called Kerala alone produces 8000 nursing graduates per year.
Yes you can recruit any number of nurses at a time
Candidates who completed B2 need two to four months to complete the entire process.
Contact Beejees via phone or write as an email at info@beejees.de
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